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Gary Strodders shank 9:51 Tue Apr 23
Happy St George's Day

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Nutsin 7:49 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Come on you Irons

You could always convert to Islam of course.

Come On You Irons 7:05 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
The only thing the public can do is turn against the WEF Lib/Lab/Con uniparty and vote for REFORM.

Mike Oxsaw 6:30 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Apart from staying there (because it's my fucking country, innit?) and moaning about the situation, can you (YOU) propose a solution, personal or universal?

Come On You Irons 5:34 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
It's clear that the UK is rapidly becoming a Muslim state. London is basically a Muslim city now, as is Birmingham and a whole host of shithole Northern towns.

The country is fucked as far as I'm concerned.

Nutsin 5:08 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Well that was fun!

zebthecat 4:12 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day

zebthecat 4:12 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day

BRANDED 3:43 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Because of multiculturalism and immigration London doesnt have a pluralist culture any more and the whites who live there are generally wealthy and less bolshy than the Muslims, for example. Mostly the muslims deliver the food and the whites run the City and business in general. Both the London whites and the muslims dont have a close relationship with St George and what he means.
That aint changing any day soon.
The rest of the country just fume.

Side of Ham 2:13 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
You said Swiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss....

'All a bit messed up really'

....so yes I do.... you thick cunt....but you obviously forgot about the dragon....you thick cunt....

......you still fucked off after all this time because St.Patrick chucked you out of Ireland?

Swiss. 2:03 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day

You do know Dragons don’t exist right you fantasist stalker spaz case ?

Side of Ham 1:52 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Ya don't say Swiss.......one fought a dragon the other banished snakes........

Swiss. 1:29 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day

He was born in what is modern day Turkey. So not English and a bit like St Patrick wasn’t Irish. Ironically the patron saint of Germany Boniface was English . All a bit messed up really .

collyrob 1:17 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Don’t know much about this fella, where was he born ?

Mike Oxsaw 1:12 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
The "agreed route" should be straight to the airport, first flight to Tel Aviv and pick up the protest with those you feel are causing the (whole) problem.

Don't fuck up my Saturdays on account of someone you don't know possibly having THEIR, not your, THEIR, Saturday fucked up.

You REALLY want to help the Palestinian cause, I'm sure Hamas will welcome you with open arms to be a fresh, media-friendly human shield for them.

Fauxstralian 12:55 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Understood that the agreed march was to start at 3 and finish by 5.
Prior to that it was agreed that they would be in a designated area on Richmond terrace
That wasnt adhered to and marchers tried to force themselves out
Maybe the pro Palestine lot stick to their agreed routes and behaviour so they get a 'free pass'

I see Laurence Fox was in attendance

Manuel 12:05 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
I always wonder how some have the time, inclination and energy for all this nonsense, it's hard enough just looking after yourself these days let alone worrying about all this patriotic stuff. That said, I am as of last week the proud owner of a new British passport, it's good to see the old midnight blue color back and no mention of European union on the front.

wansteadman 11:18 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
The March was just making its way to Trafalgar Square, the police decided to put a stop to it so they put a barricade across Whitehall and backed it up with hundreds of riot police and horses. One incident all day was about 10 people trying to push through the police cordon as it was put in place. Every piece of tv news was the same incident. If the police put a road block across the road to stop the Palestinian March it would be dealt with in a completely different manner I'd wager.

Eerie Descent 10:34 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
zebthecat 12:33 Wed Apr 24

Take up the cause? Fucking hell.

Clearly you weren't there, seeing as you think being English is something to be embarrassed about, so with that in mind, how are you so certain about what the majority of people were doing? You're not judging 99% of people based on what 1% of people were doing, are you?


Mike Oxsaw 8:57 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
If you proclaim pride in your country and, subsequently, a knuckledragger also proclaims pride in that same country, that makes YOU 100% a knuckledragger, innit?

Hammer Oz 4:12 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Fair play to St George, he fought a dragon and won

I fought a dragon and I'm in the spare room

riosleftsock 1:55 Wed Apr 24
Re: Happy St George's Day
Your patron saint is important, and the day that celebrates or commemorates this is equally important, particularly if you are a Christian, but also important if you are not. Its part of your identity and ties you to your ancestry, no matter how complex that is.

St George is a fine saint, nothing to be ashamed of, but its an imposed patron. At the time Scotchland, Wales and Ireland had their patron saints, we had St Edmund and then St Edmund and Edward the Confessor, both more worthy patron saints for the English.

As a catholic, I like the fact that Poland has 5 patron saints, with the most revered being the Immaculate Mother, who ties together all Christians.

Poland does not worship St Jakub of Onions, but they do have a very important Saint Casimir. Who also has an interesting story, not too dissimilar from St Chad.

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